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  • Pierre Laforet

The Truth Behind the Kelly-Kaplan Trade

On Saturday, August 8th, at the 11th hour, driver Lucas Kelly was traded from Team LP670 to Red Sesto Elemento for Andre Kaplan. The unprecedented move was thought to be initiated by Rooftop Racing out of fairness for the other drivers, as Kelly would have been the only driver entering the Lamborghini Classic to continue racing his team vehicle; all other drivers, including Kaplan, had to switch manufactures to drive Lamborghini for the season. New revelations, however, suggest that it was Kelly that initiated the trade, not Rooftop Racing.

According to sources on LP670, who wish to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation, Kelly had grown increasingly frustrated with the team management, who sought to reign in the unhinged driver. If this is true, it would explain the drastic change in behavior that we saw in Kelly during the Beaumont practicing session, and why, the following day, when Kelly was with Red Sesto Elemento, we saw a return to Kelly's belligerent antics.

What remains unclear is who initiated the deal on Red Sesto Elemento's end. Some have speculated that it was Kaplan, who was fed up with the team after the car's horrible display at the practicing session. Others say it was the team that dropped Kaplan over the unfounded partying rumors. (See: Did Kaplan Skip Out on Practicing Session to Party?)

When asked, a spokesperson for Red Sesto Elemento told us the decision for Kaplan to leave was mutual. When pressed on the rumors the spokesperson declined to answer.

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