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  • Pierre Laforet

Did Kaplan Skip Out on Practice Session to Party?

The Beaumont practice session took place last night, and the evening was rather uneventful with the same Kelly, Humenry, Ambatzidis finish playing out on repeat. What was surprising about the evening was Kaplan's performance. Kaplan appeared lost during the trial runs, repeatedly stalling and running off course. When it came time for the friendly races, Kaplan did not participate.

The races are out of competition and drivers are not required to compete in them, but it is to their advantage to do so to get in extra practice. With the evening that Kaplan was having it was understandable for Team Red Sesto Elemento not to partake in the races, as it was assumed that Kaplan and his team would instead make improvements to their car. But, come race time, Kaplan was nowhere to be found in the garage. Locals allege to have spotted him partying in a neighborhood bar. One individual managed to capture this photo.

The photo purports to show a blurry Kaplan smiling demonically while carrying a pitcher and pint of beer.

Kaplan has the reputation of being RR's most respectful driver, so if these allegations are true this would certainly come as a shock to the racing community.

We reached out to Kaplan for a comment, but were told by a spokesperson for Red Sesto Elemento that he does not speak to the media on race days, but that we would see the Kaplan we know tonight, and could expect good things from him. When asked if the allegations were true, we received no comment.

The evening saw a change in behavior for another driver, Lucas Kelly. Kelly, RR's resident bad boy, struck a reserved posture yesterday. He raced very clean races, avoiding contact, and taking only one penalty, and he was quick to call out other drivers for unsportsmanlike conduct, a significant departure from the Kelly that we have grown accustomed to seeing. When asked about Kelly's transformation, his Team LP670 told us that Kelly has been playing a lot of Need for Speed lately and doing other pre-visualization exercises to help him find his racing line. The practice appears to have paid off, but if it will last is the question on everyone's mind.

The Lamborghini classic kicks off this evening at five, and we are all eagerly waiting to see just who shows up to race.

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